Exhibitors | Arddangoswyr
Does being one of the ‘unwell’, a ‘refusenik’, a ‘quiet-quitter’ engender creative processes?
Many artists have gained agency over their medical conditions to reimagine ‘the parameters of bodily trauma, reconciling trauma with recovery’[1]. Sickness connects practices across decades, genres, and lifetimes, while recent cultural discourse has examined chronic illness to challenge conventional representations and celebrate health diversity [2]
1] Peter Miller 'Donald Rodney and the Cyborg'
[2] The Wellcome Collection 'Misbehaving Bodies'
A yw bod yn un o’r rhai ‘anhwylus’, yn ‘refusenik’, yn ‘llwfrgi tawel’ yn ysgogi prosesau creadigol?
Mae llawer o artistiaid wedi ennill gallu dros eu cyflyrau meddygol i ail-ddychmygu ‘paramedrau trawma corfforol, gan gysoni trawma ag adferiad’[1]. Mae salwch yn cysylltu arferion ar draws degawdau, genres, a bywydau, tra bod trafodaethau diwylliannol diweddar wedi archwilio salwch cronig i herio cynrychioliadau confensiynol a dathlu amrywiaeth iechyd [2].