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Jack Moyse is a photographer and artist based in Swansea, South Wales. His practice focuses on societal issues such as the demonisation of migrants, ableism, and mental health. Jack has been invited to speak at a number of colleges, universities, photo festivals and symposia, including University of South Wales, University of Wales Trinity St David Swansea, Carmarthen School of Art and the Trauma Porn Symposium in Bristol (supported by Bristol Photography Research Group). In April this year he was also invited to exhibit at and contribute to the Healing Through Photography conference at Belfast Exposed.

Ffotograffydd ac artist yw Jack Moyse sydd wedi'i leoli yn Abertawe, De Cymru. Mae ei ymarfer yn canolbwyntio ar faterion cymdeithasol megis pardduo ymfudwyr, galluogrwydd, ac iechyd meddwl. Mae Jack wedi’i wahodd i siarad mewn nifer o golegau, prifysgolion, gwyliau ffotograffau a symposia, gan gynnwys Prifysgol De Cymru, Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant Abertawe, Ysgol Gelf Caerfyrddin a Symposiwm Trauma Porn ym Mryste (a gefnogir gan Grŵp Ymchwil Ffotograffiaeth Bryste). Ym mis Ebrill eleni fe'i gwahoddwyd hefyd i arddangos a chyfrannu at gynhadledd ‘Healing Through Photography’ yn Belfast

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Funded by the Arts Council of Wales Create Fund
and the University of South Wales 

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